Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Best martial art for multiple attackers?

Hapkido, Aiki jujutsu, Kajukembo, Krav Maga are a few that come to mind. The style of Hapkido I do we work a lot on multiple attacker scenarios working redirection, principles of movement, joint locking, kicking, striking and throwing. Its all improvisation nothing is pre planned attacks, but the application of possible responces to those attacks is what we try to apply we see the opening to use them. I find that the other arts I mentioned are very much the same way in that nothing is pre planned, because in real life situations nothing is ever done the same way. So you have to be able to adapt the principles to the attack thats coming your way. I also have to mention Aikido,which is a much softer art, but very effective once masterd.

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