Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weird feelings school help!!!!!!!!?

i went 2 a new school and it feels really weird. like i used 2 go to a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY small private school (20 kids in whole school) and it was really clean and all the kids were like cool and everything and we like got 2 choose our work and everything. but now im in this public school that looks beat up and everything and there are like 1000 kids and the kids are liek the complete oppisite of my friends in my old school and like we learn the regular way and everything. and i feel kinda weird. like its kinda hard 2 discribe. mabey its like a felling that i dont fit in or something. and for some reason i keep having this other feeling like this school is only temporary for like a week and after that im gunna be in my old school with all my old friends and everything. can someone tell me why im havin these fellings and how 2 make them go away?

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