Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Help! My colour screen has gone green!!?

I am a senior citizen and pretty new to the internet. My colour screen has gone green - would anyone know what to do here? Thanks in anticipation of your help - very much appreciated.

Doesnt Mickie Get A Rematch If She Loses>?

no there isn't she was a #1 contender not the champ she has to become #1 contender again to get a rematch witch will proboly happen 50 % Sure

What volume of 0.1 M sodium phosphate?

What volume of 0.100 M sodium phosphate is required to precipitate all the lead ions from 150. mL of 0.250 Molar lead nitrate

A pacifier at four years old? what? is that normal?

my babies were done at like two months cause first child didnt like it really and second at like 7 months or something young like that. But 4 years old?isnt that a little old. LIKe really old?

Osama Bin Laden's death?

We needed to just get it done. We didn't need to take unnecessary measures to tape it. We needed to get in there, kill him, and get out of there, and we did it in 40 minutes, and we did it perfectly.

What gases kill the ozone layer from litter?

Carbon Dioxide is the gas, littler as in garbage is bad because its unhealthy for the environment, like plague in you veins, its just their and not wanted.

How is it that "most" quiet guys tend to listen rock or heavy music?

It's an observation and I don't want to make stereotypes. One of my clmates is really quiet, but he's got his mp3 full of heavy metal. He dresses nice and neat. Seldom he carries a metallica t-shirt or any other band. I've noticed that in a lot of quiet people. Have you noticed it too?

All pak and Sri users are talking about Ind vs Aus match... why? ?

actually most of them thinking that wi will lose and ,and there fore more likely to watch game is ind vs aus

What type of feeling is this?

You need to let go. I don't know how you would do this because it is different for every person, but you need to free yourself from stress. Do you live where you lived when you were younger? Even the same country can have that affect on you if you have had bad experiences there. Go on a vacation, or move somewhere. Stay with people who can help you. Sorry I'm not much help!

What is "Hazing" I just saw the...?

I just saw the movie about a girl being dragged off, but not killed, That wasn't enough detail for me.

There is this one girl i just want to get out of my life someone helpppp!!?

OMG! One of my friends copied me too, but I never told her, and then when I finally told her she kinda admitted it and stopped... Try to just talk about it casually instead of just dumping it all on her at once :]

What will the look be like on Hilary Clinton's face Wed night.?

Will she have a pleasant expression on her face, or look like she has a terminal case of PMS. After all, had it not been for Obama's slick talking which made slick Willie look like an amateur, she might have been making the State of the Union address. I wonder what will be going through her mind.

Old Movie???

What old Christmas movie has Judy Garland singing "Have Yourself a Merry Christmas"??? A clip of this old movie was shown in "Family Stone". Help!!

How long does it take for an Oscar to eat a fish?

he's a little small to eat that fish, but he'll choke it down rather than give it up. Try small guppies in the future

Are the 'eye-for-an-eye' crowd no better than the people they wish to punish?

As gandhi Said, in one of my favorite quotes "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind". enough said

Who's the NBA's Greatest Dynamic Duo of All-Time?

Kobe & Shaq need to be up there especially if you include duncan & robinson and Mullin & Hardaway

How does one get that cosy feeling of being loved when you are single?

I mean that warmth of belonging that you can have when you snuggle with your husband or wife in bed, or on the sofa; that simple sublime peace that even though you know you've got to get up for work tomorrow right now you are loved and you feel so deeply peaceful. Surely this feeling does not belong only to couples?

Landlord broke and stole my property?

well an eviction is never a pleasant scenerio, I am not versed in California law, however ethically it appears like "shananigans". The best thing always always always get everything in writing. Was there a court doent issued regarding your seems there ought to be some legal papers somewhere... come Monday get in touch with issuing court and see what the protocol is for reporting loss of property. Do you have renters insurance... you may not able to re-coup lose but for next time cover yourself in writing.

The symbolism in Kings and Queens?

In the song Kings and Queens by 30 seconds to mars. I get that the song is about faith and struggles and stuff, I get the song. I don't get the video. Bikers? Are they rebels in a way? Cause when the car hit a biker, that must represent society right? Nobody helped him up because he had to get it on his own? Idk. OH the horse? haha what?! I came up with its a reminder of hope and faith, you know white horse in a dark alley. Anyways, anybody get all of the symbolism in this video, I'm totally lost and its killing me. thanks.

Where can I find the brand name of gas fireplace?

I just bought a house, and it has a gas fireplace. But I have no idea how to work it.(And I cannot ask the previous owners) I was hoping if I could figure out the brand and model, I could find a manual online maybe...Any ideas where to start looking on the unit? It's not on the outside paneling at all, or anywhere obvious unfortunately...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



What are some of the nicest most soul soothing songs you have ever heard?

i want to listen to some cuz those are the most beautiful please don't say Des'ree lol i mean songs like talking to the moon by bruno mars, broken arrow by pixie lott songs like that.

2 Americans captured and a missile launch planned . What are the likely/possible outcomes of this?

I'm sure that the US will invade, millions dead, even a few Americans (which the whole US population will be reminded of eternally by their TV's) these spies will be snatched back and we'll all - oblivious to everything - continue worrying ourselves about celebrities love lives.

Can somebody give me names of a few genuine sites which are absolutely free and let you earn a good cash?

Can somebody please give me the names of a few genuine sites which allow Indians, are absolutely free and let you earn a good cash through contests/quizzes/instant lotto/slot machines etc. etc.? There was one called from which I earned $72, but sadly it no more exists. Has anybody won a cash prize from any such site and got the cash? Answers are particularly welcome from Indian friends.

I received a check from a customer and the IRS took the funds. What can the customer do to me?

Hello. A nightmare at best. I received a check for $5700 from a customer to do a job. I deposited it in the bank, just like I've always done, and the IRS liquidated my account. Now I have nothing, and the customer is irate, (understandably so). I have communicated with them consistently through this, but, without affirmative answers, I just don't have the money to follow through. I told them I will have to earn it and pay them back. They have family calling me haring me, accusing me of running off, etc. I have not run off, and I tell them so. I can prove the account was liquidated. I am sending a certified letter stating such as well as a payment plan to pay them back. Is there anything else I can do? What can they do against me? Thanks in advance.

How would i find out what software online casinos / websites use for their blackjack games?

you can do what i do i go to portals forums and ask gamblers there is a lot of info out there so it will help you make the best choice i think.

Major problems with main exterior wall of house.?

Bought house in 2008. Inspector ped everything. Recent owner supposedly fixed roof but left hole by old fireplace which leaked in house the last 2 yrs. We noticed a couple months ago our floor in kitchen and bath were rising up and tiles were coming up and walls were crumbling in on one side. So we started gutting everything. We have found that this was a brick house at one time, they plastered over it. The bricks from old fireplace are all falling down and it's all cracked up to the roof and leaning like its going to crash in. We found there is a steel cable with each end hooked to chains hooked to each side in attick like it's holding the walls from North to south together. The floors are wet and ruined in bath and kitchen. The joists are bad in basement. We don't think all this can be fixed easily. Our frineds think we should get a lawyer, but everyone I've called said it's been since Oct 2008 since we've bought the house and don't think anything can be done to anyone. Inspector said he couldn't inspect attick because it's 0% unaccessible. Does anyone know if there is anything we can do about this? They might have to condemn the house I think. We just got screwed cause we thought this house was sound. We went through USDA-Rd for our loan. Our friends say with us going through the gov. for a loan, you'd think they would have made sure the house was inspected GOOD, or we wouldn't been able to get a loan for this house. Can anyone help us with suggestions?Oh and our kitchen and bath and two back porches were added to the end of this house before we bought it, so that whole support wall is whats bad between the old part and new part of house. Thank You.

Problems with Yahoo games and Oberon Media?

I have the same problem. Its a shame yahoo and msn team up with a shady company that does this. I went through their sites due to what I thought was trustworthiness. I too need to change my card because there is no way you can cancel from this program or even get info on your account. I never even received confirmation of purchase and the game did not even work.

Please help with accounting!?

a) $210,000 (thats 120,000 from sale of land, less 40,000 from purchase of equipt, and add 130,000 from issuance of bonds)

Where can i download good quality movies for free?

you get what you pay for...its illegal, its bad pay for its, it goes through the preoper channels and its perfect quality

Where can I find a printable 1999 Nissan Altima's repair manual?

The trunk of my altima will not open with anything! Does anyone know if there is an emergency pull from inside the trunk?

Do i have bronchitis?

i have been coughing 4 few days and i have had some heart burn, mostly at night, i havent been able 2 sleep because if the coughing and i feel week and i sometimes cough of like a liqiud, it might be mucus. what do u think i have? and how can i treat it?

Can you buy shoes from the Macbeth Shoes website?

can you online shop in the actual Macbeth Shoes store, or do you have to check out other stores that sell those shoes? please help! i've sent them tons of email but they never answer them. so if you know or have had previous experience please tell me!

Hello malaysians??

This looks like a quote from the Quran. Are you a Muslim? Are you sure you do not know what it means?

Disabled and feel unloved by siblings...?

I have a sibling that doesnt care about me, my youngest lil bro, or mother. Parents are getting a divorced. my mom provided him everything throughout his whole entire life and all he do is take advantage of her kindness and hospitality. I cried when i kicked him out of the house. he once moved in with us for like a couple months and now lives with my dad. even though he's bad and all i still love him. you should express your feelings. tell your siblings how u feel being mistreated.

How can the left claim to support the military when the following happens?

I really can't answer your question but.............. I am an Infantryman in the army and i am sick and freaking tired of civilians getting in our business. They are dictating the war in Iraq and Afghanastan and making our rules of engagement impossible to fight back without breaking the uniform code of military justice. Just last week they put out that we can't engage the enemy if we are in village due to collateral damage and civilian deaths. I'm sorry but if we're in the defense, we don't pick the time and place of a firefight, we have to do what we can to get our guys out of there. Civilians need to back off enjoy their lives here and let us do what we do. They ***** and moan about what the CIA is doing as interrogation techniques it's none of their business. They need to suit up and go over there and fight these people and see how bad it is over there. They haven't seen inhumane until they're walking the streets of a war torn country. If I had to give my opinion, I think we are going to lose the war on terror unless we get leaders on capitol hill who can muffle out the BS civilians say about the military. Because when another 9/11 happens they are going to come crying to us for help.

I'm infatuated with a stranger???? I think.......?

So, what do you want with him? If you chase him and get him, what would you do then? Would he live up to your expectations? Probably not. The best you can do is ask him if he would like to have with you. If he says yes, great. If no, make sure he doesn't tell anyone what you did by threatening to tell everyone that he has .

Will you try to get pregnant at 22 if you were in my situation?

My BF and I are trying for a baby. We are both only 22 years. We were planning to have kids until we were +30, life changed some things for us though. He will be going through Keemo Therapy(pardon the misspell) and most likely not be able to have kids after. We both live with our parents, both have jobs. I need some goods advice. If you have any advice to give me, I would really appreciate it. A LOT!

What is this large swollen thing on my boyfriends face underneath a pimple and how do we make it go away?

My boyfriend had a pimple on his face below his mouth on the left side for a few days. He picked at it and now underneath there is a hard, swollen ball of something just a bit smaller than a golf ball. It is painful to the touch, presumably because of the pressure of the swelling. Does anyone know what this is or how to make it go away?

Was my question removed because they couldn't choose a best answer?

The question was "Who will win the finals of my favorite MLB Players playoff?" It had 5 answers and I added an additional detail saying that I couldn't choose a best answer because all they said was "Willie Mays" So, I put it to vote, and I clicked no best answer, and now it's removed. Why?

Make up looks terrible when its overcast outside?

Do your make-up by a window with plenty of natural light, that way you get a clear representation of what you will look like with your make-up on. It'll help you apply the right amount. You could do this everyday as well to apply your make-up to perfection. Alternatively you could wear no make-up until you go out somewhere and then when you do everyone will be like "wooowww" you look great.

Is it worthwhile, booking a doctors appointment today in the morning to check if i have raynauds disease?

I have Raynauds and have inherited from my mother who also has bad circulation. It affects my fingers, which go white/yellow in colour and as cold as ice. There is nothing to cure or prevent it. Just keep as warm as possible.

Whta is this an example of?

Never stretching. Never jerking. always compact, always balanced. sometimes crabbing to by-p gaps in the stonework, sometimes back-tracking several moves to explore a new line; but steadily meandering upwards, making for the highest window.

If you could be a ..................... what would you be?

I'd be a tree. I wouldnt be an inanimate object such as an ornament or a game. Neither would I be a celebration.

Starting problem. Ugh...?

I own a 1989 ford bronco II X.L.T (or was) with a 2.9L V6 automatic 4x4. So the story is, when I go to start the engine, I can turn the key to the accessory possition the radio and lights and dash all lght up and start working (even the annoying dinging works). the second I turn the key to actually start it everything dies and the battery meter goes to 0, then when I turn the key back to accessory its as though its still dead, untill i turn it to off, then back to accessory. Today I've replaced the battery with a the best of the 3 I had a choice from. I replaced the starter (with a brand new one, no rebluit), and the solonoid. I'm thinking it may be the ignition switch it self, but I'm looking for any info, or ideas. anything helps Thanks!

Duralogs and smoke. Our house got really smoky today, not sure why.?

We just had our chimney swept yesterday so I know our fireplace is clean. We burned one duralog last night and it went great (color-changing log). Today we got another duralog to burn (crackling noises). However, not sure what went wrong. we did everything according to instructions and the whole house got smoky. The smoke detectors went off!! We closed the gl doors to the fireplace and its better. However, you can Still see the smoke going up the chimney. What the heck happened!? My husband doesn't want to deal with this mess for the rest of the winter. I would love to find out what happened so it doesn't happen again. This fireplace was cleaned yesterday, this was the second time it was used. Help!

Syria Travel Help??? ?

I am going to syria this summer and i need to know some good places in damascus to relax and spas and stuff anything from relaxing pool to juccuzis to spas

Monday, August 15, 2011

Survey: Do you still eat Pop-Tarts?

I never did. Those things tasted like cardboard. And, yes, I know what cardboard tastes like. Hey, that's what having an older brother will do for you!

Really important science question !!!!!?

I do not know if this will help but with respect to Cell transport across membranes i can think of two examples. In human beings there are people who are prone to develop type 2 diabetes and those who are resistant. Originally all humans were the first type but due to development of Agriculture a mutation was selected for due to an abundance that brought on diabetes. the second is in respect to the virus that causes AIDS, HIV. There exists a population mostly Caucasian (in the Grease Islands and parts of the Balk-lands) 30% of those who are all but imune to the virus since the mutaion is a proteein on the cell membrane that prohibits entry for the virus.

Actual flying times?

What is the actual flying time outward bound between Manchester and Hong Kong, and between Hong Kong and Sydney. Likewise on the return journey, between Sydney and Singapore, and Singapore to Manchester?

How do I prove I am being slandered?

I used to work for a hospital in New York City. I was bought out of my position 7 months ago because of an email I sent out. It was not slanderous, illegal or inappropriate in any way (i checked with a lawyer), it just ticked off my boss that I sent it. Because I had a clean record, no negative reviews, no write ups, nothing bad in any way in my file, I negotiated a termination contract with the hospital that clearly says that it would go in my perm record that I resigned and nothing bad would be said about me to discourage future employment elsewhere. During negotiations, HR told me that I had been repeatedly warned that I was in danger of losing my job, which is entirely untrue, but since it wasn't in writing, I didn't think anything of it. Second, when I went to apply for unemployment benefits, I was denied because the hospital reported that i was fired for insubordination, again, untrue, slanderous and a breach of the contract as there was a clause in there stating that they would not do this. HR ured me they cleared it up. Well now 7 months later, I am convinced that they are slandering me and am unsure what is in my HR file. I have had numerous successful interviews, and even a verbal offer, then suddenly, after a reference check, the companies disappear and won't give me the time of day. I was even flown out to California to meet with a company, which went very well. However, soon afterwards, I was given a very polite f-you. This was enough time afterwards to check my references. I have also been contacted by three other hospitals in the area for positions, only to have them refuse to talk to me when I return their call, which was normally enough time for them to call my old hospital. What do I need to do to prove slander, defamation and breach of contract? I have already caught them lying twice, I have no doubt they are doing something unethical again.

What are some really good ideas for a periodic table license plate?

Fe2Whl it would be ferrous wheel, Ferris wheel I know it's not all elements but hey , what they heck.

Bands like....?

I like all those bands but my current FAV band is AFI. Especially the albums Decemberunderground and Sing the Sorrow.

What would the world be like without religion?

Think about it, peace and prosperity. You wouldn't be able to say " OMG" anymore. You would have to say OMS. (Oh my science!) Crusades wouldn't have happened. Our whole race would have much better technology I believe because discoveries made long ago were put down because of the church. The theory of evolution makes perfect sense. Heck we even act like monkeys, uncivilized and filthy. Not to mention stupid. What I am trying to get to is that if the whole world were as one, striving for a goal, we would probably be colonizing different planets by now. I wish ether religion was gone totally or we had only 1 religion in the entire world.

How could I find out if a previous employer is slandering me to new employers?

I have a big issue here. I was terminated from my job about six months ago after wokring there almost nine years. I had got into an arguement with another coworker, which was a friend of mine up to that point, and the so called friend said I shoved her into the wall. Well the union fought for me and I lost. I havent been able to get a job since then and I have it in the back of my mind that the Human Resorces woman is probably saying some bad stuff about me. I was always a good worker and at one time was #1 where I worked but when new management came into the picture, and I changed from working production to being a material handler, I didnt seem as important to them and they always gave me a hard time. The HR lady always looked me up and down like I was a bad person and actually told some of my friends not to talk to me because I like to start things. I know that they cant slander me if a new possible employer calls them but if in fact they are, how would I know?

First time home buyer?

My husband makes 25,000 a year. We found a house we really realy want for 124,500. I figure we could get it for 120k. The guy at lending tree told us he wants to give it to us but hes skectip. My husbands credit is 630. his debt to ratio however is almost 60% which is horrible but we can afford up to 1000/month easily ( i do work but can't use that on loan) Would it be possible for my husbands father who makes 50,000 and has free rent and all he pays is 300/month for a car payment? His debt ratio is 15%, we would use him as a co-signer. He has no problem with this btw, they both work at the apartment complex we currently live at which is why his dad gets free rent. Im sick of putting all this money in this apartment, and we want to start a family in a 2-3 years.( Please dont ask why ican't use my money on the loan application.) We dont have a downpayment. We are trying to get approved for the OFHA loan. Do you think we have a good chance@the loan w/ his dad co-singing? thanks

Why are people who falsely accuse other people of not persecuted?

Especially those who are actually imprisoned because of the false allegations. It happens constantly ONLY because there are no consequences for lying about . Shouldn't the accuser face similar prison time as the accused if they are found to have fabricated the whole incident?

My "bff" and i.....?

well 2day me and my "bff" had a fight...well it wasnt like a yell fight...we were just being very mean 2 eachother like calling eachother brainless and stuff....and we have done this many times b4 bcuz we fight like that alot...but then she went pretty far and called me "emo" 4 listening 2 mcr....and i said "just 4 that, im not talking 2 u" and she said "idc" so i didnt talk 2 her 4 the whole rest of the day....and now she rly wants 2 b my bff again but i know that she'll go ahead and do something like that all over again....i mean it kinda hurt....should i b her bff again or should i let her b so i could find other frends who dont judge me?

Can tattoos cause rise in blood pressure?

My 17 year old granddaughter has been diagnosed with high blood pressure. It was fine 3 months ago and now is extremely high. Her blood and urine tests came back fine and her heart checked out okay. The only difference in her life style is that she got her first tattoo. Could that have caused the high blood pressure? Maybe a reaction to the ink or something?

I'm stuck with a Spanish translation. Can someone please help?

Before the Spanish athletics will explode in the face of Operation Greyhound, Nuria Fernandez had already planned the season with his coach, Manuel Pascua, accused in the plot of doping

Should Christian voters choose candidates who are adulterers and divorcees?

No, they should not vote for people who are adulterers, there is a difference in "are" and "were". That said, what else have we running. We can't not vote. The democrats are even worse. You have to remember too that a lot of people do wrong before they do right. David was an adulterer and a murderer, but he repented and I'll bet He is with God, not the devil. Paul persecuted Christians to the death, but look what a great evangelist He turned out to be. He was beheaded because he couldn't stop preaching the Risen Christ! Peter denied Jesus three times and then was the leader of them all after Jesus left. Peter even chose to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to die upright like the Lod. That shows me that we shouldn't judge. God is never finished with us until He says it's over. We don't know if they have it straightened out with Him or not. I'd still rather vote for one of them than vote for some Democrat who is going to promote ity and abortion!

Which of the Top Gear TV presenters would you spend Xmas with?

Hmm depends where i was on christmas day. If i was in bed then obviously Richard Hammond. If it was christmas dinner then James May as he could keep me entertained with his witty little storys. If it was christmas night out in the town then Jeremy Clarkson cos no doubt he'd upset someone then the entertainment would be the verbal fight after.

What is his/her problem?

i met this girl a week ago, and she seemed so nice then she played me out. she told me oh your a sweetheart, i love you you should come over, the whole nine yards. then her bf texted me giving me problems saying leave her alone and stuff. i never even texted her she texted me first. now she is causing problems and her bf. i told her not to bother with me and shes psycho she and her bf keep texing me nasty messages. why did she do this to me? why did she lie about everything? i feel so hurt this is why i dont want to deal with women. lol what should i do?

Converting normality to percent?

I need H2SO4 at 96%, and I found a bottle of H2SO4 labeled 5N... does this tell me anything about the percent? Is it close to 96%

Brett Favre's P? Overrated?

Am I the only one in the world who thinks that the catch was more spectacular than the p? It looks like Brett closed his eyes and throws it up for grabs. I think Greg Lewis should get more credit for catching the ball and getting his feet inbounds.

Jermaine Beckford deciding to stay after performances like that?

It's Obvious Beckford still wants to leave. He's not Leeds through and through he's a Londoner and when you put performances like that in of course you would. It's worth about 10m to Leeds� to get in the championship so do you think Bates etc sat him� down and said 'if you stay till the end of the� season and we win promotion we will give you x amount� and you can leave on a free.' makes sense for both� parties??

Who likes Corine Bailey Rae...anybody?

I personally have fallen in love with her since her appearance on SNL. Any song she sings is like she wrote it out of my heart.If any one else likes her music leave a message about any new songs or appearance she might be up to, and your favorite song by her.

Amazing . Will it really hurt ?

I'm still mad at Nixon for "opening" China to trade! Look at what it's cost us. Never forget China is a communist country, and remains our enemy. Be careful of how much and how often you feed your "dragon", they can bite!

Do i double fabric layers when making quilt blocks?

only if the second, top layer is there for a reason, like applique., or because that it is the artistic technique you are using...or if it is because the fabric is very sheer and/or delicate, and the under fabric is there to show through or to stabilize the delicate fabric. Have fun!

Split between two groups of friends!?

There are two groups of people within the big group I'm friends with. They're all kind of friends but theyve formed subgroups. First is Crystal, jess, lara, naomi, and lisbeth. Theyre okay, but VERY clicquey. the second group is natasha, ariana, lisbeth, and me (lisbeth is kind of in both). Recently though, the first group people hang out with me more. It's annoying because I want to throw a party at the end of 9th grade (this year) and I don't know who to invite. If I invite both goups they'll all be mad!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is the importance of meiosis in microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis?

The same importance as it is with every other organism that has DNA. Meiosis is making new DNA combinations and giving them a try as gametes.

Is 3m sulfuric acid very caustic?

For the next lab in my chemistry cl we are using sulfuric acid with a concentration of 3m. I was wondering if it will cause severe burns or only irritate your skin

What would you think of a person who is...?

Not exactly SHY, but reserved, private, rather quiet unless you know him, cynical, untrusting, etc...

When you're going to Disney, what do you do to keep yourself excited?

We make like a book to rip off a piece of paper with how many numbers left on it until you down to 1. Sometimes what I do in the last week before or second to last week before i go somewhere exciting I get special things down like getting waxed, mani, pedi, spa. Get like some at home thing u and a close friend can do each other's feet and eyebrows so it won't cost so much.

What if the spouse that had the account and is now deceased?

I'am asking about this letter I received in the mail about a cl action law suit against Capitol One Bank. My deceased wife had an account with that bank and my question is am I the benniafesuary?

Great Gatsby creative presentation ideas?

Have the fantasy life written out in the shape of gles, and the reality he doesn't want to face inside the gles.

The people on the CW series the Vampire Diaries do not match the description of the characters in the book?

Sometimes They have to change things up a little for some reasons i don't know. But the book is not always going to be the same as the movie, even though you're right, it should be close.

Matthew 23?

Jesus was talking to the crowds telling them to follow what the religious teachers are teaching them but not to follow there example because they do not live as they preach they are just doing it for other words search in the word of God for the truth do not just take everything in that are being preached to you meditate on the word of God and you will thing the truth and the truth will set you free

Is my too large for ?

I'm about 8.5 inches long and pretty thick. I can hardly fit into a magnum. My friends laugh at me when I say this, but girls say it hurts when I lay the pipe. What do I do? Woe is me.

What is the best Treat for mice?

I think he will like cheese. All mice do. That's all I really know. Just an FYI, do NOT give any mice or guinea pigs, or hamsters pickles or cubers. They will die easily.

A/C outside unit running, inside unit not running?

I want to ask this so I know what to tell my landlord when he sends over his "handyman" to fix my a/c unit. A month and a half ago, my outside coils froze, cutting off the cool air coming inside. All units were working. Handyman comes to my duplex, says refrigerant is low, fills it up. It works for a month and a half. Today, inside unit stops working. Outside unit is running, coils are frozen again. I let it thaw for a few hours. Turned it back on, outside unit running is running, inside unit isn't. What could be the problems I relay to the handyman?

The paragraph below is most unusual, Why?

i read the paragraph three times and then gave was frustrating me! so i decide to look at the answer...there are no E's! i thought that could not be possible. i searched the whole paragraph and there really were no E's! did the writer of the paragraph intend to do that, or was it all luck?

Do you know anybody who REALLY resembles a celebrity?

my hubby looks like the guy with all the facial hair that play the drums or keyboard in the free credit commercials.I mean just like him.

Is there A difference between a mix fruit tetra fish and a Painted Gl Tetra?

The ones I saw at walmart were mix fruit tetra's and they said they inject them with color and it fades. I want the painted gl Tetra but I want make sure that their not the same!!!!

What could this dream mean ?

i was in my hometown ,walkin down a hill towards my school, it was a sunny day, and i see a big sunflower on the gym of my school ?

How did the Aztecs build their capital in the middle of a lake?

I know they used floating rafts made of wicker and then piled the rich lake mud on top to make floating gardens. They were about 10 meteres (30ft) square. It increased their tillable land area and provided a source of food even if the surrounding area was controlled by their enemies.

Texans will Rick Perry even make it past the Primaries in 2010 or will Kay Baily Hutchinson be the nominee?

I hope Rick Perry does not.The guy is a total RINO.He also supports opening the borders and building the NAFTA Super Highway.I would hope Carole Keeton Strayhorn to win.She used to be Republican,now independent and is overall the best for the job.

I prefer dreams to real life?

Go to the doctors, I'm not suggesting your crazy but to prefer a dream to your own life indicates real life is bad for you somewhere along the line, your missing something and it may pain you. Stop trying to recreate your dreams and face up to real life and try to embrace it with a few interesting activities you don't usually do, going swimming or something? Whatever floats your boat, but real life is better than dreams, dreams are just what your refering to because you may be insecure... Best of luck.

Can you recommend an LCD TV for me?

2ms response is a good choice and they even have 240hz but they are very expensive, even if you bought a LCD that was 240hz and 2ms response time, you will still see motion blur no matter what, My plasma is 480hz and I get blur so just try to get use to it. For a 120hz 1080p 46 inch LCD you are better off getting respected brands like samsung, sharp or sony bravia. But it will cost much more than 1500 bucks, if you want to get it cheaper go to the visio or vizio website , they can offer a 1080p TV with a 2-4ms response time 46 inch and 120hz for under 1500, and I heard some nice things about vizio even though they are cheaper than other TV's , as for wall mounting I woudn't recommend it , especially over a fireplace.

How do i transfer schools without losing a year of athletic eligibility??

I attend scripps ranch high school, a public high school. I live in the area and it is a good school with a good history and scores, but i am very unhappy. It is way too big for me, the cles are too big, the teahcers dont care, and the baseball program is horrible. I am a 10th grader on the jv baseball team. I want to transfer to horizon high school, a private, christian high school in clairemont. How do i do this without haiving to sit out of athletics for a year?


Of course I am going to translate it, but first I need to know how much you are paying. Otherwise, you translate it and I will correct it for free.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is a good Oral Language Piece?

I'm not talking about like English, Spanish, and that stuff im not talking about that but i was thinking "Missing Mandy" would be a good piece but i dont know and it has to be 3 to 5 mins. long. Someone please help!!!!!!

How loud are Guitar amp heads on there own?

the only sound you would hear is the circuits frying,you need the cab,any amp needs a speaker to work,not just sound wise but somewhere for the power to go,no speaker=******* amp

Conservatives and liberals?

Liberal, Atlanta. Great town. Some racism, but the South seems to have got the point since the Civil War and the 60's, for the most part.

What are the best club nights in Edinburgh?

My friends and I are heading down to Edinburgh this friday and would love to know what club nights are on? And possibly the best/recommended club nights? And good bars? Some of my friends are into R'n'B and some of us quite like the indie, electro stuff. We're students so a club where people are likewise would be good. Cheap drinks would be awesome but we're pretty much after a place with an ace vibe. Any help on this would be cl x

Which team won the HUGE 4 TEAM DEAL?

Raptors for sure. They got the best player and still have the MLE to spend on free agents. Shawn Marion seems to be on the decline, Orlando lost one of their most important pieces and Memphis really didn't get much of anything except cash. Great job by Tornoto - I hope to see them in the playoffs next year!

Can skateboarding help prepare you for snowboarding?

I want to learn to snowboard but don't live near the mountains, there is plenty of room to skateboard though and I was wondering if skateboarding can help prepare a rider for snowboarding.

I have been badly infatuated by my colleage at work- please help?

I fell in love with this guy who wants to be only my friend. I see him everyday at work, he doesn't want anything else more than friendship but flirted with me and showed signs of jealousy whenever I talked to other guys. I felt like he was controlling me, and started to ignoring him for the last 2 weeks. I know it sounds childish but it just makes me feel better when I don't see his face. Any advice? Did anyone have similar problem? How can I end it? I am very much in love with him and hurts me when I heard he went to see his ex-girlfriend.

Ok did you ever like a boy you knew you shouldn't like?

the boy i like is my ex's brother!!! i tried not to like him i really really tried but it doesnt work! hes 1 year younger than me........hes strong, AMAZING body has been my best friend for 2 years....well him and my ex were at my house today (dont ask) and my ex kept comming up to me saying "you like him dont you?" i would say no well later that day we were in the basement and devin said "whats wrong?" then my ex said "SHE JUST LIKES YOU?" i turned around like i had been slapped and said "NO I DONT! JUST PLEASE STOP." but when i turned back around i could just feel the tention and im afraid my ex just ruined it ...(my ex still likes me) HELP WHAT DO I DO ABUT MY EX? AND HIS BROTHER?

Could some of the slanderous remarks on Answers about the SA government?

Should obtain Counsel's Opinion in relation to the possible consequences, following 'vitriolic' attacks upon a Country relying on Tourism (such as the RSA.) The words "as alleged" are both prudent and diplomatic. Proceed with reasonable caution.


It couldn't be b because then it will be white. Because the litter contains a mixture then the answer must be d.

Is that really Eddie Guerrero's wife?

We can't believe his wife would take part in a storyline like this, even if it is pretend. Does anyone know if that's really Vickie Guerrero on WWE pretending to have a relationship with Edge? Ewww...

Chemical bonding help!!?

It is a covalent bond because it is between a metal and a non-metal. Also, during a covalent bond, the electrons are shared. Have you dealt with electronegativity or anything? Or is this all you need to know?

Read my story please? Tell me your thoughts? What would you do?

I drove by the house we were interested in today, the yard is decent, the house is completely remodeled (new kitchen, new fireplace in living room, new bath, new hardwood, berber carpet, formal dining, 2nd fl laundry room.) 3b 1b, and is priced at $65,900...The houses directly in front of it are nice but then there are other houses that really aren't. I saw some neighbors they, "looked" normal, one had a cute lil puppy but then I drove to the corner and saw like 4 people hanging in front of this one house laughing & when I was standing in the backyard I saw 3 men drinking noonish. I would install a fence anyway? Then once I turned the corner out of the neighborhood I saw a beautiful view of the city buildings. Should I judge those neighbors harshly? There is a cute park on the terrance if we lived there, and a private college, and private school, and a corner market, in walking distance. We are paying $950 for rent now,and rather save than splurge, we want to live!Thoughts?

Mathematics Question For Help?

Sadie deposits $4000 in a bank account that pays 8% simple interest. how much INterest will she earn in 5 year.


You don't need a long story on this, bottom line is DROP HER!!!!!!!!!! RUN FAST and don't look back at all! She is a LOSER!

Can someone help me with a physics question?

A person on earth sees a spacecraft depart at a speed of 0.5c. Then that spacecraft ejects a projectile at 0.6c relative to the spacecraft in the direction of motion of the spacecraft. Describe what the earth observer would see with respect to the speed of the projectile.

Would you please tell me how to improve this?

i really like your writing style. i dont have any improvements except that when you said her parents died of a bear attack i laughed. it seems unrealistic and it took me away from the story for a minute.

A new theory regarding the hole in the ozone layer.?

The hair spay bottles that those girls are using contain no CFC's. Most if not all company's do not use them anymore so the are environmentally accepted and don't hurt the environment maybe the FCC made them stop. Read the back of the bottles next time your in grocery store it states it most times at bottom. So find another theory and enjoy the pretty hair lol

What you think????

LOL! Man, wouldnt it be great to be that stoned? Then I wouldnt be able to realize the world crumbling around me. " hand is so HUGE! Omg, I have two of them?"

Home Heat and air blowing cold air on heating setting plenty of propane.?

Hi,I would check to see if you have a flame. No flame COLD AIR.Some thing in controls will hot ignite your pilot light.your blower should not operate till it senses the heat of flame.Also your ignitor tip may be bad,may look red hot ,but not enough to ignite gas.Be safe, call furnace repairman.Good Luck.

If you suffer from a multiple-personality disorder, can you sue one of your personalities for slander?

uming that your condition has been proven by a reputable psychiatrist, can one of your personalities file a lawsuit against one of the other ones for let's say...slander or harrment?

One moth travelling: Thailand for a week but where else? Cambodia, Laos or Vietnam?

I definitely recommend Cambodia and Vietnam, these two countries are really easy to combine. I recently returned from a trip through Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam and my highlight was visiting the Angkor Temple Complex in Siem Reap but also travelling through the Mekong Delta into Saigon from Phnom Penh. I travelled independently and booked my trip through:

MJ Fans who met MJ... tell your stories or your Imagery's?

I never meet Michael Jackson but I always would imagine meeting him before he dies. For the people who did meet him I would love to hear your stories of how. And for the people who did not meet him, what was your "Meeting Michael Imagery"

Why is Roman Catholicism considered the epitome of Christianity?

I've been a Christian now for 12 years, grew up Southern Baptist and left that church when I got to high school because I saw how racist and hypocritical they could be. So I decided to become a Christian, simply Christian, which no affiliation with any other denomination because I see denominations as creating "cracks" between our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. And people now ask what religion I am and I respond "Christian" and then ask "What kind" and expect I'm Catholic because of my belief in Christ.I'm sure many have pointed this out, but why should I be a Catholic to be a Christian in come one's eyes? No offense to my Catholic brothers and sisters: you're just as much of a believer as I am :) Thanks.

What am i going to do? im losing my mind..i want to start a whole new life...ALONE..?

Dont run away just relax and calm down. Go back and work your of and lata in life you can look back and thank god you didnt run away..... it will make it worse if you run away

Who is your favourite 3rd Generation superstar of all time?

I don't really have a fav 3rd, or even 2nd, generation superstar, but I love the McMahons. Every time they're in front of the camera, either against each other, or together, it's pure magic!

Can 10k Gold be magnetic?

I have a "10k gold" chain that is attracted to a magnet. When I hold a magnet above the piece it is attracted but the attraction isn't strong enough to lift the piece. Could the alloy metals that are mixed in the piece possibly causing the attraction. I know 10K gold is only 41.7% gold. But I've been told that if it is attracted by a magnet it is not real 10k. Please only give me an answer about 10k gold. I don't care about 14k, 18k , 22k or 24k. Only answer if you know about 10K gold. Thank you.

Photoshop experts? how do i get this paper cartoon effect?

From personal experience, I would get a photo of a piece of paper (you can find some free stock or take a photo yourself) From there, you can adjust the levels (depending on your photo shop version, it should be under "image" and "lighting")

Did you know Menopause can occur from Hysterectomy?

It can also come early from having your tubes tied like I did. It changes the whole process of things making hormones react.

Why is it only whites can be Racist?

What the hell are you talking about? Anybody can be racist. White people are the only ones who care what other people think about them.

How to help my daughter stay dry through the night?

My baby has slept all night since 6 weeks. I had the same issue until I started using Pampers!! They are the only diaper I will use now.! Any professional would tell you to train your baby to sleep through the night!Its not abuse!! Let the baby sleep! Just find the right diaper for her!

I am looking for publicly available information on the Cost of Goods of diagnostic ays do u knw any site wh?

I checked in Cepheid, Roche, BD, BioMerieux, Siemens sites but only the product information is there

Should i trade Scott Kazmir for kerry wood and adam dunn?


How long can I go without sleep?

I took some sleeping tablets called Zopidem last year for 2 weeks, when I came off them I did not sleep for 3 days, It made me feel quite ill, I have insomnia and would often miss out on a nights sleep.

Friday, August 12, 2011

My girls friend is really pissed off and tell she has no interest ? please tell me how to get her back ?

Maybe write her letter explaining how you feel. But you need to look at yourself and see if you are willing to change. Those small things are the things that end relationships and in all honesty it sounds like you ahve lost her for good. I mean...this is based off of just your side. Are ya'll married or just dating? If you are still living in different places, the chances are you have lost buddy. Find out if she is dating someone else first. If she is...tough cookie. If she isn't, there may be hope.

What if my daughter wont take a binky?

my daughter wont take a pacifier and will not sleep without a bottle in her mouth. if she has no bottle she is crying. i no babies means no sleep but this to me is not normal. she should be able to sleep without the botttle and if not that she should take a binky.

Wedding flowers for September?

My upcoming wedding is in September. Does anyone have good bouquet ideas for me? I wanted Calla liliys on the tables in a vase with water and pebbles. 10 pts best answer

Mathematics in chemistry problem?

In a study of oxygen uptake by muscle at high altitude, a physiologist prepares an atmosphere consisting of 79% oxygen gas and 4.0% He gas. Atmospheric pressure is 758mmHG. Calculate the partial pressures of each individual gas.

2008 Tahoe z71 leveling kit help please :D?

Hey guys i got a 2008 tahoe z71 and i just ordered some atx mojave teflon coated wheels, and since im getting some all terrain tires (probably size 285) ill need a leveling kit ... what do you reccomend ? thanks.

Translation tagalog to english?

Hi. You know your radio was already fixed. I was able to use it already. I've been sending you emails but you're not responding. What is wrong with you? You're not answering again, that's why I'm losing interest in opening my computer because you're not replying. Maybe you have somebody else there so you don't have time to even email me. Are you seamen really like that? I'm not going to nag about this. It's up to you. If it's what makes you happy, then I'm happy for you too. Just take care always..I hope you will not change with me. I miss you a lot. I love you.

Does MCR play on Much Music anymore?

Yes, but you would be better off watching Much More Music as they play more videos whereas Much airs teen and reality TV shows.

IPhone application needed?

I am a volunteer firefighter and get my calls from dispatch through an SMS message. I know there is apps for android like firealert and cad page is there any similar apps for iPhone that will trigger an alarm like those do? Thanks

How to cite poetry in a works cited MLA that I got from a teacher in a email?

my teacher sent me a poem with just the poem and the person who wrote the poem. How do I cite this poem in my works cited MLA style

Who likes gwen &duncan from total drama world tour?

THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER!!! They have so much stuff in common...oh and when in total drama action the alien babies episode had them bonding SO MUCH!!...PLEASE MAKE THEM GET TOGETHER GOD!!!...PLEASE!!!

Why don't people understand the definition of "separation of Church and state?"?

People demand that Obama be impeached because he is Satan, they demand that gays lose their rights, they want to teach Creationism in schools, and who knows what else? What part of the above quote don't they understand?

Is there software to build Cars?

Well I know there is CAD (which I own but ya). But I'm looking for something like in the Fast And The Furious, where they built the Toyota Supra. I would like to build my car like that and design my own cars. Is there anything like what I'm talking about or did they just make it for the movie? Please help

What would be the point at which you would distinguish between a Friendship and a Relationship?

So often, because people don't always think the same, and Friendships have so many levels, degrees and types, I think sometimes a person who feels the other person is his or her friend, is not thinking Friendship but Relationship? Friendships can be (Friend, Good Friend, Special Friend, Best Friend, yet none of those don't have to be considered a mate or partner). So with Platonic friendships and other types, with all the levels of friendships. With there being also an ociate, colleague, acquaintance and more. What in the world would make you say you have a relationship with someone. After all, when you communicate with someone you are "relating to them" but relating is not a relationship? Where do you draw the line?

Game for PC crashes when mouse is moved to bottom corner?

Perhaps someone has put some malicious code onto your laptop that is telling the computer to stop the game if you go to the corner but why they would do it is a mystery to me. Hope you manage to get it sorted

Poll;; Hilary Duff or Megan Fox?

They're both very different.....but I'll say Hilary Duff because she's more of a role model. Doesn't do bad stuff.

How to install 12v socket in boat?

i need to put a 12v socket right by the stereo for my sirius plug and play so i see a 12v constant and an acc wire. i want to splice into one of these? can i do tyhis? if so does the acc wire put through all 12v aswell becuase id like the radio and sirius to turn off with the switch

Help with a fantasy team name for Chris Johnson and Michael Turner?

How about something like Cruising Thunder? CJ cruises his way into the end zone seemingly effortlessly and Turner bangs and booms his way through the defense like Thunder as it crashes through the sky.

How do you get mental health care in Chicago without insurance? - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

Do you and your friends have any?

yes....I am currently dating my girlfriend, Krista. Before we were officially 'dating' she told me she was bi and had a girlfriend on the internet. Now she has fallen in love with me and is no longer with her um...friend....I never talk about it >.<

How do I stop rashes from sweat developing on my leg at night?

It's heat rash, I always have it every year when the warm weather arrives. My quilt is thick but I can't sleep without it because I feel really uncomfortable. The rash is at the back of my legs at the same height that my knee is. I've been to the doctor and he gave me some cream but I want to know how to prevent it. It's really bad at the moment, parts of my skin has come off and it bleeds.

Reason for blurred double vision?

i went to the doctor today and they never even checked it out.but i dont think its a concussion because i havent hit my head.i have been sick though,with bronchitis.

Myspace: secret crush (T or F??)?

yeah it's fake they just want you to subcribe to there advertisement. they'll ask you your gender numbedr and email address so they can send you stuff

Strange lyrics in songs?

The word La Costa Nostra means Our thing or our Affair. It is tied to the Sicilian Mafia. Maybe they think they're being "bad" by referring to the Sicilian Mafia.

The Lord of the Rings vs. The Chronicles of Narnia vs. Harry Potter - Which is your pick?

im going to go with lord of the rings followed by harry potter. i dont know where to put narnia because i have never read it. i think harry potter was an easier book to read and was harder to put down and that lord of the rings is a book that can turn people off and you really have to get into, but the detail was incrediable and i love the story. not that this matters to the question but the movies were also a lot better then the harry potter movies, which left out way to much.

Does petsmart or petco sell bunnies?

i know the whole explaination of a shelter and everything ,but i want to know if they sell bunnies or not becuase i wnat one as a b-day presentfor me tomorrow. i really need to know if they sell bunnies.

My savanah monitor hasnt taken food in a week and when i picked him up today alot of water poured out of his?

mouth and nose any idea whats wrong with him my local reptile vet isnt open untill monday and im not even sure if i could afford it

Does neutrogena pore refining cleanser help with acne?

I have tried so many different products, i have large pores with oily acne prone skin, so do the neutrogena pore refining cleanser help with acne as well as with the pore?

What Would U Do If U Had A BoyFriend, Husband Likes 2 Play Computer Games All The Time An All Though The Nite

i would break it i guess i am a bitotch but still you have a son he needs to grow up or just hide it if you dont wanna be that mean

Can you review my book concept? (Sci-fi with focus on human emotions)?

I don't know what to say, because seriously speaking I couldn't understand some parts of your story and somehow the whole aliens committing suicide thing after they are slaughtered doesn't make sense. You said the humans slaughter them. Maybe if you wrote this some other way, so I could understand better, then maybe I could tell you if it is a great concept.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is nature able to create symmetries?

Many animals exhibit bilateral symmetry with sense organs and bodily appendages, for examples. Kidneys and lungs are also bilaterally symmetrical in their shapes and locations in vertebrates. Reflections on still water are symmetrical to the image being reflected. Any balance manifests bilateral symmetry in some manner.

What is this song?? ten points for the first correct answer!!?

what is the very last song on this advert (after the Robert Palmer song) - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a - that is the url for the vid

Which words in macbeth did shakespeare make up?

i'm doing an etymology project in english cl and need to find a word he made up in the play of macbeth and talk about its origins/in context/drawing conclusions to how its used etc. but i can't figure out which words he made up and stuff. help!

Which computer is better for the $?

The main difference is the video card, and you don't say exactly what it is in the second one. Can you find out the actual number (probably has an X1 or X2 in the begining).

Why is a constitutional monarchy fair and just?

Because governments can be corrupt. Of course the monarchy could be corrupt too... but the odds are that 2/2 won't be. So if one is, it could be offset by the other.

Please Fix/Rate My Warrior Deck Yugioh!?

other than having just a few too many cards, reinforcement of the army is limited at 1 so you'll have to take out one copy anyways

Is this a total rejection? Do I still have hope? What should I do? (10pts)?

REMAIN AS FRIENDS. SOMETHING SIMILAR HAPPENed to a guy friend and myself. it hurts when your feeling are so strong, but in the end, the friendship is important.

Is normal for my to hurt ALL the time?

This question should probably be presented to your G.P. If I were you, I would only trust the advice of a professional about your physical health.

Christians why these contradictions?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Where can I find free Legend Of Zelda piano sheet music(detailed transcriptions)?

dude, i just learned to play them myself, by the sound of the music. one day i hope that you learn that good as well.

Do you like this outfit?

hmmmm grey shoes would probably look better with that shirt and skirt. i don't like ankle boots and skirts :/ it looks like a cute outfit for like work/going out/interview. Its dressy. But i like it. But i'm not a fan of the bag.

How do I master my astronomy skills?

Get yourself a planisphere a href="" rel="nofollow" to help locate fixed objects like Andromeda, globular clusters, nebulae, and other galaxies (although those might be too dim for that scope). Sky and Telescope a href="" rel="nofollow" has monthly star charts up for finding planets and comets. It should have come with instructions for how to align it - try joining a local astronomy club. Those guys have tons of experience with telescopes and would be more than happy to help you align it and start finding cool stuff to look at.

Would President Obama have won the election if he was just another white guy on the ballot?

Just a question so don't get all worked up. Are his policies strong enough to have gotten him elected on those alone? Would he have just come close like Gore and Kerry?

Whats the amount and price of it?

well i know at sams club they sell the huge boxes of candy but the box that includes skittles and starburts and that stuff, how much candy does that come with? and how much, also how much are the airheads?

Earthquakes meaning that 2012 is right?

With the recent 7.8 in the Phillipines, it seems a bit odd that we've gotten so many this year. Until now, I thought 2012 was a joke, but it is a bit strange with all of the quakes in four months.

I'm shy and reserved, this has affect my life greatly. please help :(?

Being reserved and shy isn't a Good thing at all. i want to be more outgoing .when ppl talk to me ,i just reply with afew words, not more than nesserry even though theres a lot in my mind that i want to speak out n do but i just don't have the courage to do so. I'.m 16 now ,am i going to be shy like this forever? give me some adivice? :( and plus i seldom stand out for myself

Do the 50,000 "Military Advisors" remaining in Iraq still have guns...since it's the End of Combat Operations?

Or were their guns taken away and did 0bama give them all pencils and a notepad to help them "Advise" the Iraqis??

My ex girlfriend????????????????????…

You need to let her current relationship run its course and just wait as a single. If you can't do this then you really don't deserve her and the child. What ever pain you feel during the wait should remind you of the pain you caused while you were selfishly enjoying your independence. Remember you caused this. If you are a man, then you can swallow all the **** that comes in your way in order to get them back. It's a tough road, but if it is worth it, you can accomplish it.

Sleeping arrangements for dog owners?

I let my dogs sleep with me and I have no problems. My female Min Pin sleeps with me every night and has slept with me every night of her life and she is in no way clingy. Some other people say that letting your dogs sleep with you causes the dog to be dominant, this is a load of rubbish. My dogs all sleep in bed with someone and they are allowed on the furniture and I have never had a problem with dominance.

Please rate/give advice on my yugioh deck?

ahhh... the advice is to grab a structure deck or 2, because just about any of them is better than this. frankly, a random pack deck don't work, ur deck don't have enough combos(speciallization) nor enough power(great white etc is sorta out dated) after that, u can do a bit of power replacement to the structure, but stick to the structure for now, u won't be able to top format for a while until u get the feel for combos first... keep deck size under 45 if u can, there are very few exception to that size rule(galiator and crystal beast being 2 of the few)

EU Treaty (Constitution) the majority dont want it end of NO ?

its said that roughly 70% dont want to sign up to this constitution , so the globalist s running the country decide theyll change the name and just do it anyway with no referendum , this is a dictatorship isnt it ?

Orgasum ......? HELP?

i am 21 married for a year i can only with stimulation of my e will this go away with time or is this normal for women? plz hlp

Where can I find and print out an employment application for Avenue?

I can't find it on their website. Not for any USA locations. It's really weird. Does anyone have a link to a downloadable printable application?

What does this tell you about a man?

Why does Jessie Jackson retrieve POW's and McCain doesn't. He, more than anyone, should know that not all POW's have Admirals for father's and that life can be maddening in a prison camp. So, I ask, Why doesn't McCain do more for current POW's (one's unreleased)?

Do You Think Michelle & Barrack Would Adopt A Baby From Bangladesh?

Like John McCain and Cindy did- a dark skinned baby that was in need of love and medical care- Would the Obama's do that some day?

Chinese kids' toy contains date drug?

I think it would be much safer if we all just get our children a big cardboard box to play with for christmas seriously that is what the world is coming to with all these toy recalls. It seems as though nothing is safe anymore and it's really sad. The toy companies are greedy and they use china to make their toys because from what i heard and read the china workers make .75 cents an hour to make these toys. That is why most toys are made in china and not the US.

Help our water pipes are frozen! we turned off the water to the house last night but now what do we do?

after turning off water to the house last night we left outside hose taps on (one on each side of house) the one on right side of house is frozen this morning. The temp. is not supposed to get above freezing until noon, will the pipes thaw then and water come back on? or do we have a big problem?

Why do lorries overtake each other on the motorway? Is it just me or is it pointless?

Pointless questions about lorries overtaking each other on the motorway.... more a grumble than a question lol

What should we do when this happens?

i think we have enough technology to survive "limited" if the sun is blocked by debris, but id say blowing it up into smaller rocks, or knock it off its trajectory

McFadden for Houshmandzadeh?

I could probably use a little more help in my WR positions and since I already have LaDainian Tomlinson, I think I can afford to trade McFadden. My other RB then would be Fred Taylor. My current WR are Larry Fitzgerald, Roy Williams, and Hines Ward. Thoughts, opinions?

What cute things does your dog do?

I have a miniature pincher named Piglet. I've had since i was 6. I'm 19 now. Its so cute when she wants to play she does this little walk where she gets on the ground on her belly and pulls herself over to u using her paws and her back feet. She also dancing around in circles when shes happy or wants something. She likes to play hide and seek too shes good at finding me. :D

FtM, so can't compete in Judo Tournaments?

Yes, you have to take it....... for now. I would re-double efforts to get your top surgery. The sooner it's done, the sooner you're healed and the sooner you can compete. Then you can kick their es.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do we link yahoo screen names?

My cousin has a yahoo account and when he IMs me there is a box near the box that we type the IM in and it says "send as" and next to it is a drop down box and he can choose what screen name we use to IM someone. Does any one know how to do that?

This isn't a ques. but i have noticed that when me and my husband don't have time for eachother i have a dream

about either an ex or just some stranger and were about to have . i think its because i really want to be with my husband though and feeling a little rejected by him aven though he's not.

Are paris hiton and nicole richie freinds already?

They're filming "The Simple Life Goes To Camp" together and claim to be friends but u never know.

I don't know what to do my shins hurt! ?

I went running a couple days ago and it has been a while since I've ran! But then like yesterday I was walkin around a lot but today last night and tonight I've noticed my shins hurt real bad and I don't know why! It never happened before till now!


HI. I'm wondering what you think of a sort of apocalypse type story where all animals are sort of shapeshifters and they're smarter and more advanced than humans and then we get undermined and they bring back dinosaurs and yeah. Thats as far as i got. -Scarlett

How can the moderators stop people from copy and paste your pics that are put on yourgroup photos. PERSONAL?

when people in a group post photos others can copy them and save them and that is not right for people who don't want the world to see but the group members. Please help with an answer fast.

Hows my fantasy team?

Your goaltending could use an upgrade. Try trading Blake --- I don't think he is going to put up the same numbers this year.

What's that book named?

It's about a boy who is on a large spaceship with multiple levels ad he is on the top and he meets a girl that lives on the bottom who is a slave... 10 points

What is the electric potential in a spherical conductor?

A spherical conductor with a radius of 75.0 cm has an electric field of magnitude 7.40 105 V/m just outside its surface. What is the electric potential just outside the surface, uming the potential is zero far away from the conductor?

More works cited help!?

when was this site/page published or updated and the editors/authors name? (for my works cited page MLA)

How should i tell my brother hes too nice?

i understand him trying to be a better person by being generous but in no way should he have given out that much money to a girl that you and him don't agree on. tell him you're happy that he is giving back and helping people, that it's really, really nice of him but you don't wanna see him get taken advantage of. if he wrote a check and helped this girl get a job, he's likely to do it again to one of her friends. if you feed the birds, their friends will come. so just keep an eye out for other people looking to take advantage of his kindness

How do you solve this problem?

how long would it take a space probe to travel from Earth to a star which is 208 parsecs from earth? ume that the space probe travels at 36,000 kilometers per hour. A parsec is a distance of approximately 3.09 x 10^13 kilometers. Round to three significant digits.

I just had a Laproscopic l Hysterectomy. I'm scared to look; am I still "normal" down there?

I'm 44, and I just underwent a Laproscopic l Hysterectomy 3 days ago. I am still in the Hospital, but I'm too shy or scared to look or ask anyone here, and I thought that someone who had also underwent this proceedure could tell me what to expect. I mean, "l Hysterectomy"; I might sound stupid, but, do I still have a ? What about if I have again, will the man notice? Will I be tight at all, anymore? How about the onset of Menopause, will this make it happen sooner? I just don't feel quite like a woman anymore, you know?


Do u think the guy who is playing Dustfinger good for that charactor(the guy i DA Vinci Code) i don't think he is right for it!

What are the steps of Ellis Island?

okay, here's the thing: i need to do some project for social studies and I need to know all of the steps when you go through Ellis Island. I think the first one is the baggage room.... but what are all of the rest?? (when you please answer, list them in order :D)

Best martial art for multiple attackers?

Hapkido, Aiki jujutsu, Kajukembo, Krav Maga are a few that come to mind. The style of Hapkido I do we work a lot on multiple attacker scenarios working redirection, principles of movement, joint locking, kicking, striking and throwing. Its all improvisation nothing is pre planned attacks, but the application of possible responces to those attacks is what we try to apply we see the opening to use them. I find that the other arts I mentioned are very much the same way in that nothing is pre planned, because in real life situations nothing is ever done the same way. So you have to be able to adapt the principles to the attack thats coming your way. I also have to mention Aikido,which is a much softer art, but very effective once masterd.

Helpppppp! fashiooon?

blonde, blue eyes. girl. i'm wearing a pink/peach-ish shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and either brown short ugg boots, or brown mocasin uggs. should i wear a dark red hoodie or my black northface?

What would've been OJ Simpson's motive to murder the two victims he was accused of?

I've read a little here and there. And I hear it was obvious that he was guilty but thanks to the prosecution's sloppy work, Simpson was found not guilty. Opinions?

Too all you sufferers of PUPPPS in pregnancy and just some advice that might be good for all pregnant ladies!?

Good to know thanks! I had Puppps my first pregnancy and it was hell. I remember one time I just lost all control and just laid on my bed itching the heck out of my skin. I'm now pregnant again and if I get this again I'll deffinetly be trying your recomendation!

If i put my Red ear slider with my guppy will my RES turtle eat the fish food?

Okay so im getting the food today cause i just bought 4 guppies my turtle has ate none of them for now i put lots of hiding places for the guppies. The turtle didnt even look at them i know one day theyll be eaten but for now they look safe. should i have any cautions and is there anyother type of fish tht can eat the waste in the tank or something.??

Couple of questions about st tropez lotion?

Leave it on for at least 8 hours (if you can) efore you wash it off. I prefer to use a tanning mit to apply, but you do do whatever you prefer. Get someone else to do your back for you. Good luck!

Why do elitist Democrats believe sovereign people are bigots whose will needs to be reversed by gov't fiat?

The left is paranoid about people learning the truth , calling names is their petty little way of hiding the truth and forcing us to accept their lies as being the truth

How can I have good self image?

Girl you are having a bad image about you probably because did not have a life without him. people break up all the time, and all relationships eventually will come to an end. A relationship may end because of death, or because it is time to move on, etc. Anyway, you just have to believe in yourself. In psych, we say that if you want to have confidence in yourself, then pretend it. because eventually you will start to believe it. Really, it always work. Also too when you start thinking positve about yourself, then you are releasing positive energy around you. So therefore that energy affects your mind, and your body, etc. I just think that he was a loser. why would he date your friend, and what kind of friend did you have? you do not need anyone of them. Just move on. Get ,yourself involved in positive activities, such as exercising, eating healthy, going out with good loving friends, and dont forget to spend quality time with your family. I know that these advice sound so boring but it works. If you really want to get revenge the best revenge for yourself and for you is to be better than you were when you were with him. really. It does not matter how much superficial gains you get in society such as being a lawyer. These things are great of course, but you have worked so hard to make good grades in school. now it is time for you to even work more hard with your inner feelings, etc. Take care of you, and stop thinking about him, really. You do need to look at yourself and ask yourself why did you pick a friend and a boyfriend who were such losers. Because if you have not change the kind of attraction you have for people then you will get in this situation again. yes we can not control what people to do us, but at the same time, I am sure that your boyfriend was not so different then the ones you dated in the past as well. I will say that you are young and the older you get the happier you become because you find out who you are. If you make the right decisions then you will have a better life as you age, because you will feel more comfortable in your skin. Anyway good luck girl. And do something nice for you tonight. Go skating or cycling tonight. ok. Good luck again.

Which college team is better: 1979 Michigan State or 1982 North Carolina?

As much as I love MJ and on paper 1982 UNC looks better, they were not better than Michigan St. in 1979 who was one of the best college teams ever. MJ was only a freshman and wasn't half the player he was in the NBA. Magic seemed to be more refined in college as a senior than the big 3 on UNC. I also thought the Spartans were a little better defensively.

Will I qualify for a home loan?

Well, you would first need to find a job in KY, and it would have to be in the same industry you are in in TX. If you have a job lined up, you basically do the same thing you did when you bought your house in TX.

Is the word reign a vowel?

The word reign is a noun which defines the period of time that a king or a queen has served over his or her area. That area may be an entire country, a state, a territory, or a smaller parcel of land. An example is this sentence. The king's reign lasted for twenty years.

Do you think Trees sing at night?

Love the poem. It is good to have a poem of a singing tree! Thanks. I offer these suggestions. Change 4th. line of 2nd. v. It is a rhyming poem and it stops there. 3rd. v. hide & by do not rhyme. 4th. v. 1st. & 2nd. line need to be reworked. Both good lines, but need changing.

Weird feelings school help!!!!!!!!?

i went 2 a new school and it feels really weird. like i used 2 go to a REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY small private school (20 kids in whole school) and it was really clean and all the kids were like cool and everything and we like got 2 choose our work and everything. but now im in this public school that looks beat up and everything and there are like 1000 kids and the kids are liek the complete oppisite of my friends in my old school and like we learn the regular way and everything. and i feel kinda weird. like its kinda hard 2 discribe. mabey its like a felling that i dont fit in or something. and for some reason i keep having this other feeling like this school is only temporary for like a week and after that im gunna be in my old school with all my old friends and everything. can someone tell me why im havin these fellings and how 2 make them go away?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where can I Get Ugg Knightbridge boots!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can someone help explain the following contradictions?

Democrat pandering. The dems feel that the average American has no memory except for what they saw last on TV. They've always treated the working cl American like a fool, and unfortunately many of them prove the dem's right.

Narnia vs Harry Potter vs Star Wars vs Lord of the Rings?

Luke, Han, Yoda, Palpy, Vader, Rebels, Stormtroopers, Anakin, Battle of Geonosis,Obi-Wan, Leia, Luke's Hand, Chewie, and guess what: STAR WARS.

How does DNA replication differ from the manufacture of an RNA molecule?

One of the biggest differences, aside from the fact that different enzymes and different precursors (ribonucleotide vs. deoxyribonucleotides) is "proofreading" ability. That is, DNA synthesizing enzymes must replicate DNA faithfully, and have a "proofreading" function that removes mistakes made during synthesis (e.g., substituting Guanosine for Adenine, for example). RNAs are typically not hereditary materials, and RNA polymerizing enzymes typically do not have the proof reading function of DNA polymnerizing enzymes. Thus, RNA molecules tend to be made with more replication "mistakes" than DNA. This really is no big deal. Say a thousand mRNAs are made from a single DNA; who cares if one has a mistake. Most mistakes would result in a protein that does not function. But, there would still be 999 mRNAs around to make that same protein.

Pancho Villa as a political icon?

Pancho Villa was the first Mexican Revolutionary genera. at the age of 16, he killed an older man, the son of a big landowner, who had tried to Pancho's younger sister. after this, being pursued for murder, he escaped. during the following years, he first lived as an outlaw, then worked his way up to a position as commander of a division. not many details are known about these years, however it is said that Ramiro Cervantes and Uriel Carrasco took him under their wing.

Will Manchester United really buy Sneijder?

I'm not talking in money terms (for those of you who will answer by saying "With what money?"). I'm saying that would Fergie ever buy a world cl player? Manchester United is a club that usually buy players that have potential and eventually turn them into World Cl players. I think it would be odd that Ferguson would actually buy a player that is already an experienced high quality player seeing as he rarely ever does that. Players like Ronaldo were nothing like they were now when they joined United. Fergie usually looks for long term things so he usually buys young potentially talented players. So what do you think?

Fighting Fish, sick? Please help?

I just got a fighting fish and I'm not sure if hes sick. He's called Pebbles and he keeps staying at the surface of tank, not moving a lot, and blowing bubbles which pop. Is he sick? No stupid answers please:)

Physics Problem, I need help!!?

You suspend your keys from a thread and set the resulting pendulum oscillating. It completes exactly 42 cycles in 1 minute. What is the length of the thread?

Why is climate change science chief against marine nature reserve?

Are you arguing that coral reefs aren't susceptible to climate change? I see the first response has stated that the coral reefs may thrive. Both of you, if the original poster is arguing this. seem to be blistfully unaware of what coral bleaching means and what causes it.

Christmas Present for my Brother?

you could get him a case or something for his kindle, or maybe some nice aftershave every boy likes to smell nice, you could get him some new computer games or maybe like a cool keyboard/mouse.

50 gallon on 20 gallon tall tank?

i have a 20 gallon tall tank with 2 female swordtails, 7 neon tetras, and 2 silver-tip tetra, 3 neon tetras died and im not sure if it is the food im giving or the filter that the flow is too powerful for them. i am wondering if i should use that 50 gallon marineland penguin 200 bio-wheel filter on my 20 gallon tank because my parents went to buy me 8 more neon tetra fish and the person said that it would be better if i would have a bigger filter with the 20 gallon so that i can put more fish. i use to have a 20 gallon aqua-clear filter that i still have. should i be using this filter on the 20 gallon tall tank?

I would like to sell t-shirts using my trademarked phrase.?

I want to sell t-shirts and cotton lounge wear with a phrase that I trademarked. Which company can I use that will allow me to use my own website but when people purchase clothes, the company can make it and ship it.

RB help please.. Close championship week!?

Rather to play Johnson or not depends on the choices. I wouldn't really expect him to play the whole game if he's questionable. With Garrard out for the Jags and Jennings' performance last week against the Redskins, I would play Greene. I think he'll get more carries than LT this week.

How do i get over this frightening experience?

i was smoking with my friends, and i ingested marijuana, and i had a really bad experiencee, and even sober, i cant get over what went through my mined while high. what do i do?, i just want to be normal again

How industrial pollution leads to the depletion of ozone layer?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should i trade a 89 Honda Prelude for a 99 Ford Escort?

Dont do this for the sake of your friend. Right now she has a dependable car with a lot lower mileage than yours. She has a solid engine and transmission. Yours sounds like it will soon need a new and who knows what, with that mileage.

Title of rap song that goes ' i not want a sir, i not i not want a sir' ?

its new and kind of popular, sounds like its maybe by sean kingston or flo rida but i dont know, help!

How do I stretch a woollen jumper?

I have a really cool multicoloured striped woolly jumper that is a bit too small for me. How would I stretch it (permanently)? I also have the same problem with a fleece-like sweatshirt. Can anyone help?

Theyll never meet there father?

i just lost my husband in iraq and im about 2 months from giving brth to his twin daughters i just am a bloody mess i have no family the only people i can talk to is the military services they are offering please tell me what im supposed to tell these two little girls when the time comes how do u tell two kids thery will never meet the man that gave them life and never get to have that special daughter father relationship how they lost the one man that will never hurt them or break there heart i lost the man i luv and i see them as gifts from him but i still dont know what im gonna do when that time comes that i have to tell them theyll never get to see daddy all theyll have is me its gonna be hard but i know when they come it will be because of him right??? i know when i see them crawling around ill think of him i know they will resemble the very man who gve them the life they will live but please someone tell me what im supposed to do i have no one

My ex just got a girlfriend?

My ex just recently started dating a girl that all the guys think is super hot but all the girls really don't like her because she has done some really mean stuff to the some of her used to be best friends. Two nights ago most of our homeroom went out to dinner to celebrate the end of school (for winter break) and my ex couldn't make it. So last night he asked me what happened so I told him that some of our friends got married (not as a joke they actually got married-but WE married them at the restaurant) my ex got really pissed cuz he really wanted to know what had happened. But that's really all that happened. So he started to get really pissed at me for no reason that I know of then he started cursing at me. But the worst part us he told me to shut up. This really really made me really sad because when he dumped me and I started to cry about he told me to shut up and get over it. Later we became friends but ever since he has started going out with hat girl, he has been acting really rude and mean towered me. I haven't been talking to him since he told me to shut up which I know is really childish. But what else should I do?

Mods for a prelude?

i got a honda prelude 92 what kind of mods should i do to it? got an cold air intake on it and thats it.. what suggestions do you got for me?? and before u use this joke " my suggestion is to get a new car" please dont, thats old... anyways any help on mods for the ride? thanx guys.

Is this part of a sonnet?

"These violent delights have violent ends, and in their triumph,die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume ..."

How Long Would This Roast Take In A Crock Pot?

put like a half a shot of white vinegar in and give it like 4 and a half hours it will be juicy and shred easier than you could imagine

People that have seen High School Stories: Scandals, Pranks & Controversies?

ok me and my friend made a bet about one of the episodes about when a school stole there rivols mascot and they hide it in there closet and the dad found it. ok i know its a shark and he says its a horses head. soo if u have seen that show what is it????

Kung fu panda or narnia prince caspian?

which is better/nicer to watch? kung fu panda or narnia prince caspian? because i can't seem to choose since it's both a great movie...

Does Monta Ellis have a girlfriend?

I have a fat crush on him. When i watch him play hes so y, like seriously who can play like that? Is he single?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Raisin Bran Commercial song!!!??

Does anyone know the song that plays at the end of the new Raisin Bran Commercials? It always plays when the narrator starts talking. It's in all the new Raisin Bran commercials!!!

Pion Of The Christ.?

James Caviezel - Played The role of Jesus. Now the movie was WONDERFUL! But the thing was i did some research on this guy, And he has a Swastika Necklace on During ONE Part of the movie, I Think they put it in to see if you would notice it The Camera Looked at Jesus -No Necklace- Looked away Glanced at jesus again the Necklace was RIGHT THERE! And then the camera went off of him, and back on, and it vanished! Why would Mel Gibson do such a thing? Now im starting to question Religion itself! Im so Confused, Can Anyone Please Try To explain to me Why They might have done this?

Chicago Apartments, near the loop?

My best friend and I are moving from Maryland to Chicago in September/October. I will be attending Columbia College Chicago starting in January. We need to find an apartment/condo that is near the school. I know the school is in the loop area which I believe is expensive but I don't really know because I'm not from near Chicago. We are looking for two bedroom for around $800-900. Any suggestions as to where to look? I keep looking on craigslist but I don't know what ares to search for. Any help would be great.

Should I use a filter with a 1.5 gallon tank?

yah bettas dont need strong currents... still water would be best. they move slow and they have long finns which makes even more slower.

WHAT sONG iS tHIS??????

it sounds like fergie but i only know a few words it sounds like they r saying"make you jump on franz" and the like"keep you rocking all night long" idk but its bugging me so plz help

What is the marriage covenant and how do I find info on it?

I'm not sure if there is any particular thing that IS the marriage covenant. Me and my husband have one, we bought it at a family life marriage conference. It is a really fancy looking certificate thing, and it is a covenant to our marriage and devotion to each other, we both signed, dated and had two witnesses, it is now framed above our bed.

Why do people look to the government to pay them benefits?

Is this the proper role of government? Or are too many people confusing our elected leaders with Santa Claus?

Why is it if you ask a question about Al Gore or man made global warming you get your question removed?

Is it because he is making so much money off of it and has so many people brainwashed? Did you know Al Gore has approx. 200 times more of a carbon footprint than the average American and that we are going to have the coldest winter in 50 years?

What anime should i watch next?

not impressive enough until you have cowboy bebop, evangelion, berserk, rurouni kenshin, flcl and elfen lied

Question about this issue here?

I think that you should give it a shot. I mean you have a child why should it make a difference if she has one. I have a 7 month old sister, a 10 years old sister. I am both of their babysitters. Being that young they are both a lot of work, 8 years old. I mean your child's just getting to that age where they are going to be pretty diffiuclt also. So I say think about it you both have children be sure that you are serious about being in a committed relationship.

I want to put some aftermarket parts on my ares Airsoft scar?

What company's parts would work on a ARES airsoft aeg also what is a good reputable company that stocks parts and also does upgrades

Hair Emergency. I Need Help !!?

I have naturally wavy hair and when I put some straightening gel it doesn't get frizzy it looks shiny(the gel does not straighten my hair at all ) . But my hair is a like 2inch above my shoulder when its straight and when i just put gel it curls up and looks puffy. I want to wear my hair wavy but not puffy. Like this pic : a href=",r:1,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

Serious question abut 72 virgins????

And while you're on the subject, who says the virgins aren't : men, women, old, young, etc. ? It's all speculation it seems.

Original Song Written By Teens... Thoughts?

This band is called Lane Ends... this particular song is called Lullaby Road... they are both thirteen... How are they?

Who should i start Pierre Thomas or Ray Rice?

My starter is Adrian Peterson, and my other RB is hurt (Felix Jones). Rice and Thomas both had great games last week and both are going up against pretty good Ds. Even though i really like Thomas, the jets D have been pretty darn good the last few weeks...what yall think?

Do you think people who were bullied in school and at home end up being bullies when they grow up?

I saw the Timothy McVeigh tapes on MSNBC. It was very interesting. McVeigh was badly bullied in school. But, as a soldier in Iraq, he had problems with the fact that he had become the bully. He had some major post traumatic stress as a result. He just had problems with the fact that he killed not only Iraqi troops, but he also had killed regular people in Iraq, as did many troops because war is messy. So what happened? McVeigh comes home and has PTSD and then ends up becoming the ultimate bully by bombing civilians in Oklahoma City. It's all quite confusing. So, do the bullied usually end up becoming bullies or do they speak out against bullies when they become older?

Need fantasy foot ball help!?

Start Palmer definnatley. Palmer is at his healthiest year and he has the best weapons that he can. He has Chris Henery, Chad Ochocinco, Lavernious Coles, and Cederick Besnson the running back, which can open up the ping game...

What size cord do i need to hook my satellite radio up to my after market cd player?

its hard to explain but i bought a cord from radioshack since the one that came with sirius did not work with my after market cd player. it has a yellow and a red that i plug into the cords in the back of my player and connects the sirius with a single. It works but it is making my car door speakers cut in and out. i found that when i wiggle the cord connected to my sirius that it will come back on. I suspect that this cord is possibly to big. Anyone have any ideas of what i can do? If this is not clear enough to understand i can try to better explain it. maybe?

Who does Youtube collabs?

We may include other/another youtubers/youtuber in our movie for STAPHouseTV. We have the teaser please tell us if you know anyone who might be interested

Why is ity immoral?

Completely daft argument but at least it's novel. I don't understand the leap from similar to objectified...considering the overwhelming tendency of men in this society to objectify women. It doesn't count if they're opposite? What? How does that follow? Actually kind of similar to Dworkin's argument about heterouality never being able to be consensual in a patriarchal society.

Admission to USNA???? Please help me!?

Your grades are very low, but if you went to a college for a year or NAPS you might get in. You would start over as a beginning freshman at USNA even if you went to college for awhile elsewhere.

Would you rather kneel at the feet of the terrorists or be killed by them?

I might Kneel to get a better shot at a Terrorist. Logic suggests that when some one is out to kill you It would be better to kill them first . Democrat's can't understand that FACT!

Step Parent who's gone wrong?

.My daughter married for the second time and had a child by her first marriage..then she had two more children with this man.she married..they have been married for about 9 years now...the thing is...he is really rotten to the first child that lately he has been drinking alot and not taking care of his own kids.when our daughter takes the oldest for softball practice he sleeps in and the middle granddaughter will call around 11 in the morning and complain that she is hungry and her Dad won't get up..this has been going on for a few weeks now and I have kept silent..well Friday night my daughter called me all upset because when she got home the house was dark he was sleeping and the youngest was watching tv and said that she couldn't wake up her Dad..he was really bad .Did I have any right at saying something to both of them.My daughter is upset and has told me to mind my own business..this has me all upset and sick I told them it's about the kids and not them.

Is street fighters style effective?

i was whatching 2 street thugs fight last week and every one of there punches was off the wall hard..i mean thease guys were putting everything with every punch..they were grunting loud as they threw there shots...they were farting so loud as whell...straining themselfs so much grunting and letting farts.....FARTS!!!!

Could a Pres. Palin be hypnotized into declaring war on Iran by dangling a Star of David before her eyes?

Yes. She has end of the world fantasies just like the Iranian president. We cannot let these kooks go on a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Virus and DEP istance?

DEP isn't a virus, it's to protect your computer. Try starting the computer in safe mode (press F8 when the computer is starting)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I need to find a book that i can read online?

Well, the book was written in 2003, which means the copyright is still valid, so no legitimate site could publish it for free. Any bookstore can likely order it and get it in stock in a week or so. I know that doesn't leave much time to read and critique it, but perhaps you should have planned ahead a bit, no offense intended.

Does Rousseau say what he believes determines a child's success?

I'm writing a compare and contrast essay about the beliefs of enlightenment age philosphers with the beliefs of current politicians. and i'm trying to make a point about child's success. does rousseau (or locke or descartes) say anything related to this thought? I need the site where you got it from as well, preferably from a direct quote.

Do you think I(Dontrelle Willis) had a good career? These are my stats!?

71-63, 4.12 ERA, 1.43 WHIP. 2x All Star, 2003 Rookie of the Year, 2005 Warren Spahn Award, 2003 World Champion. My career might be over if I get released by the Giants.

What should i wear on my College fest?

patiala salwar and normal kurti would be fine. grey sweater dress, black skirt and black panty hose would be sharp, but perhaps a navy blue or dark green would add some color.

String cheese?

hi, Im a man with parents from Palestine and Syria so i get really the best of both worlds. I remeber in my childhood always eating this white string cheese with these amazing black seeds in it. Wht is the name of it?!?! i want to learn how to make it! its the best tasting cheese ever

For a school report!?

I need to know everything I can about Beethoven for a school report. The paper is due on Thursday November 4 2008

My friends of 5 months?

I got to know these people when I started college and joined a club, we went out a lot of weekends and I looked at them as family, around winter break school ended and we didnt talk for about 2 weeks and I was very sad and lonely and couldnt imagine being without them. I went out with them again two times, and since school has started I have not heard of them for a while now (I went out with a few of them last weekend) and I don't know if theyll call me anymore or not but for some reason it doesnt really bother me anymore...I am kinda of focused on the girls in my new cles so I havent really remembered them. Do you think the friendship is done? Because it seems as if right when school ended everyone disapeared.

Adolf Hitler was atheist?

Says the hateful christian. Sorry, but hitler brainwashed his people to worship him, he claimed he himself was god, how does that make him atheist? How many of you knew this already? Because by looks of answers on this forum it seems as though no christian knows this.

Hi this was a deck i made for quick duels and i would like to get help on it to improve the deck?

too mixed, too random, no theme, heaps of useless cards. oh, dueling with this will be quick alright, don't worry, when you verse lightsworns, GB beasts, or something like blackwings, it will be over in 2-3 minutes, 5 minute tops.

Can Flo Gas in ireland ask for a deposit after they put my name on there books when we moved into our house.?

we just moved in and were not informed that it was there policy to charge a deposit even though they put our names on there billing

My boyfriend drama... someone help!?

my boyfriend is staying with his dad 3 hours away until he gets back on track financially. his parents are trying to keep us apart. he promised to come see me last weekend and of course his parents made an excuse. so he promised to come this weekend. well thats not happening. his dad offered to bring him here, but he can only see me for dinner and has to go back to his dads motel. its like theres no point. am i wrong for being upset about this? hes excited to hug me and kiss me hello and im not, my pain is overtaking my excitement. by the way we're effing 23 and 19 years old.

Women, how do you defend yourself in public??!?

It is no hidden secret that the world is becoming increasingly quite unsafe for women, with all sorts of unspeakable crimes committed against us..i do so want to study some sort of maritial arts(karate preferrably), but right now am hooked up with schoolwork and exams...otherwise, i always take with me some sort of bag, or an umbrella or something similar that has something painful to hit with, and is easy to swing..unfortunately, being wary of lawsuits, i can't exaclty prevent any scenes from taking place, until and unless i'm very sure that i'm in danger..while due to the grace of God, i've never had to face any such unpleasant incidents, there have been some that have shook me up, and i'd like to prevent any further occurences..even if i'm being hared, i'm sometimes hesitant to raise my voice, because somehow i feel,what methods of self-sefence do you have in store, against a potential attacker?or how can i prepare myself against such things?

My sister stopped believing.... :'(?

ok well i dont know how many christians are out there but if there are...will u plz help me? i guess i should tell u what the problem is. my younger sister is only 11 and she stopped believing in God. and i know there is a God, no matter what anyone tells me. it all started when me, my mom and sister were in the car. kayla (my sister) started telling my mom about school and how she wishes she could kill everyone in her cl. my mom told her to stop her bad attitude cuz it sounded like the devil wuz taking over her and making her evil or something. my mom asked her how she could have God and Jesus in her heart when she talks that way, and my sister said she doesn't believe in God and she doesnt wanna talk about him ever again. plz help me......i dont know what to do. my sister has a problem and i dont want her to stop believing in God. cuz he's great and she needs him in her life. AMEN!!!!!

How do i hide my recent activity on facebook?

Wow, Facebook used to be decent. Then they kept changing it every two months and now it sucks. It's like a 12 year old girl took control of Facebook.

BOOK SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

guys i need books to read!!!!!! i like books that are like teen romancy...books by sarah dessen, elizabeth scott, stephanie meyer, suzane colasanti, etc....please help guys im running out of books and may soon become illiterate(most likely spelled wrong!!) PLEASE HELP!!!! THANKS A BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Which is Your Favourite Beethoven Symphony? ?

I am only allowed to pack one more cd and i want it to be one of Beethoven's symphonies, but i don't know which i just wondered which the good people on here think i should take:)

Fantasy football WR help?

Id go with the young guys for a late round pick. Those are ur sleeper wide receivers, that noone knows what they can do. Kind of like Colsten came out of know where. You can hope ur young guy u pick up can do the same. I say Desean Jackson will.

Do i like girls or am i self conscious so when there is a girl i become flattered?

I personally, think that's normal. So maybe you do feel some attraction to girls, but there's nothing wrong with it.

Why did they kill Kutner off on House? He was like the only good "lackey" left! stupid ratings graber.?

Was he starring in an upcoming movie or t.v. series? with the exception of omar epps and obviously hugh laurie, he's been in the most movies and t.v. shows. So is that the case....or did Fox just suddenly decide to axe the indian hindu ( Why couldn't they kill off big nose taub? geeeez.

Ive been sick for 5 days now.?

Don't worry, this just sounds like the flu. Make sure you drink lots of fluids and get lots of rest. Flu can last up to 10 days

Demand For Computer Aided Drafters?

Iam 19 years old with a highschool diploma, ive been very intrested in architecure ever since my freshman year in highschool, and ever since then i took the cl all 4 years, in intention to continue my studies of architecture in college. I have good skills using many CAD programs, from vector works, to auto CAD, and have an artistic backround. Ive also studied computer 3D graphics, and learned how to take plans, bluepronts, and even imagination and create it on the computer, so far ive only been doing structural. I was wondering what should i do with this skill? where should i go? any suggestions?

I'm being cyber bullied?

yes, and i no its so easy to say its the right thing to do, but, really even if it isnt cyber bullying, (and i think it is) then the pastoral head will sort it out

On the brink of a flat tire?

Sounds like you could drive at speeds under 45 MPH to your car dealer. Bring your cell phone. You really can't tell how much air pressure is in the tire just by looking at it unless it's almost totally flat. If you had a tire pressure gauge and there was less than 10 psi in the tire, then I myself would first pump up the tire with air before driving the car. You can buy or borrow a portable air compressor so that you can pump up the tire at home before you leave for the repair shop.

Does anyone feel sorry for the Texans dealing with wild fires?

Texas governor is blaming Obama for not sending Texas enough federal relief funding. But wasn't this the same state that threatened succeeding from the union just a few months ago? Texas is also the same state that defunded their local fire departments. I say 'fuvk em'. Let the texas idiots learn what it is like to live on a bare bones government.

What are the going rates that big-name musicians and comedians charge concert promoters?

You got it backwards... The promoter charges the band/comedian... The way you asked it the promoter pays to work instead of getting paid.

What to do with left over flounder?

i baked flounder the other night and have a lot left over. is there a fish stew or gumbo or anything i can make with that?

What does this dream mean? I've done research and it has to do with the devil! HELP.?

My mom is just recently an "empty nester" i moved out not to long ago, but since i've moved out she has had this dream. Its black and white flashes of the dream. Its a Black dog smiling at my mom, but the dog has PERFECT human teeth and were in the car running from something. we stop to use the rest room and from the toilet comes an egg when it hatches it looks human but the arms and legs are wayyy too long, very unproportional. But during the whole time of the dream my mother is revoking Satan. The research i've done tells me that a black dog is the guard of hell, and the unproportional child is antichrist. ANY ONE KNOW ANYTHING OF THIS DREAM???

Dating: Girl Problem, Help. +10 Points?

If you know she is not your type which is basically what you have said then it will never work so move on and find the one that is into what your into. Like find someone at a wine tasting festival or other places you like to go. All it takes is a simple "Hi how are you doing" to start a relationship.

Poem for weary souls and broken hearts: Thoughts?

it was very delightful to read.. you have a way with words! amazing job once again keep it up.. ur brilliant!

What build would be best?

Nothing wrong with that set up...its right up there with the big boys! possibly a bit more hard drive since your into video editing/graphics rendering you may need the extra space...the WD 1T in SATA 6GT/s would be good. I don't see where others would think its "awful" unless there just looking at the "multithreading" which is avalible on the 2600K..not the 2500K Your choise of mother board is just as good if not better than the MSI board.

Who will win the superbowl?

can you also asnwer this question a href=";_ylt=AjvQWPCmjN_4l9yoqEvEYA_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110129003529AAlKSKL";…/a

How and why did Yahoo delete my poem, saying I was "chatting"?

mosquito by tom courtney dancing your hanging arabesque choreographed by God the simple elements of all the universe written in the air in a moment diving bobbing playing to that ethereal music this mute voice of culicidae is not for human ears we cannot perceive the harmonies of the pest mosquito hovers over dinner and drink buzzes near in the twilight of quiet conversation accompanies the warmth of our earthly season mosquito asks only blood mosquito will close the leaves of heavy volumes the swirling facts and fantasies of greater creatures mosquito survives and is satisfied seeks not the heights of shakespeare wants not the vaulting ecstasies of mozart holds not the high ambition of bonaparte no honor fame or glory no story so now little teaser little dancer drop upon my bared and outstretched arm but think if you can in that primordial consciousness foresee and then forego or sip the blood and drink of this madness taste this wine of human anxiety let the restless wandering flow in your own blood and flow in aimless unanswerable sadness discover your own heart come little one take of this opium called the ego and fly high could you know more than we? that you can be nothing more or nothing less than mosquito?

Screaming 15 month old please help?

ok my son has allways slept straight through the night starting the day he was born but for the last week hes been waking up sreaming and crying bloody murder its very high pitched to where it will give you a migrane when he was an infant he was diagnosed with acid reflux and he would have projectile vomiting they tried reglan didnt work then they tried zantac didnt work finally they tried prevcid it helped a little well they wanted him off of it because they figured his body was getting to used to it and therfore it wouldnt work well now hes acting like his stomach hurts again but worse far as pain hes throwing up some but i think thats from the creaming and crying they were talking about surgary on his stomach when he was an infant but thought he may not need it he did good for awhile but now its just worse ive been up 24 hrs now cause he hasnt slept any suggestions i hate seeing him like this could he need the surgary now they thought he may have had pyloris stenosis when he was younger please please help i need to help him so he can sleep as im 7 weeks pregnant and need sleep